Guided by experienced missionaries, the accredited Missions major at Appalachian Bible College provides instruction that is both theoretical and practical. From writing a prayer letter to discipling believers, you will receive top preparation to serve in local and cross-cultural missions.

The ABC Advantage

Our Program

Some Christian colleges only require minimal Bible or theology credits for their Missions major students. Other colleges only offer a Missions minor. At ABC, you will receive a bachelor's degree with a double major in Bible / Theology and Missions. If you are serious about becoming a missionary, this may be the best undergraduate program for you.

If you desire to further enhance your missions preparation, choose one of ten optional concentrations:

Our Faculty

Mr. Phillip Peterson - Faculty

Mr. Phillip Peterson

In order for young people to launch into global missions and effectively serve Christ and His Church, they must be firmly grounded in truth, exposed to the lives and ministries of godly servants, and immersed in outreach and discipleship opportunities within their local churches.

I am convinced that today’s youth, reared in a global society, are not intimidated by cultural diversity. That fact, coupled with the training received at ABC, will produce committed servants, increasing the potential for reaping the fields that "are white already to harvest."

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  • TESOL Spread the Gospel through teaching English

  • Women's Ministries Get equipped to serve and disciple women in other cultures

  • Worship Prioritize Biblical worship and music as you prepare to be a missionary

After 3 years of study, you will be given a great opportunity to practice what you have learned: a 4-8 week missionary internship.

Internships are a long-standing method of equipping future missionaries. The Apostle Paul himself took along several “interns” as he preached and planted churches; among them was Timothy. The result of Timothy’s time with the apostle was a reputation for faithful service. Later Paul wrote, “You know the proof of him, that […] he has served with me in the gospel” (Phil. 2:22).

An internship will give you the chance to work alongside experienced missionaries, evangelizing and discipling people very different from you. It will be challenging, stretching, and richly rewarding. Together with your ABC coursework in Bible / Theology and Missions, this internship will instill in your heart a passion and capability for lifelong missionary service.

Why Missions?


The Great Commission is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19-20). But prior to this Jesus gave other commands: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Luke 9:23); and, "If any man serve me, let him follow me" (John 12.26).

Appalachian Bible College assists local churches by equipping future missionaries to serve Christ wherever He leads, including:

  • economically-depressed third-world countries,
  • large urban areas in Europe, South America, or Asia,
  • spiritually-cold populations of North America,
  • a specific people or language group.

Internship Opportunities

Missions students at Appalachian Bible College have served internships in many different fields, including:

  • Tribal ministry in Kenya
  • Evangelism in Sweden
  • Inner-city Muslim ministry in the U.S.
  • Teaching English in creative access Asian countries

Career Ministry Opportunities

  • Global Missions
  • Inner-City Ministry
  • Bible Translation
  • Tribal Missions
  • Medical Missions
  • Home Missions

Objectives & Outcomes

You will be trained in… Leading to…
identifying the Biblical patterns and means for fulfilling the missionary mandate determining where and how you can serve God in worldwide missions.
examining the Biblical methodologies for church ministry and growth implementing the appropriate steps to establish an effective church ministry.
knowing the basic presuppositions of major 20th century religions intelligently communicating the Gospel of Christ to followers of other belief systems.
discovering the critical nature of relationships in ministry establishing strong relationships for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship.
discerning which cultural differences are Biblically permissible effectively ministering to people of diverse cultures.

Missions Courses

What's Next?

Something BIG is coming to ABC